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Dr Leo Pruimboom,
Dr Malcolm Kendrick, Tom O'Bryan, DC, DACBN, CIFM and Beverley Sarstedt
Saturday 22 June 2024, 155 Bishopsgate, London
The IHCAN Summit returns for 2024 with a stellar line-up of internationally-recognised and respected speakers tackling the hottest topics in complementary and integrated health and nutrition.
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We’ve invited the best so you can soak up the learning…
Dr Leo Pruimboom wowed the IHCAN Summit audience last November with his hugely entertaining exposition on the scourge of chronic low-grade inflammation and practical ways to deal with it. He is back by popular demand.
He is joined by GP and author of The Clot Thickens, Dr Malcolm Kendrick. He’ll present on the theme: “‘How blood clots cause heart disease – the 170-yearold ‘brand new’ hypothesis”.
A new speaker for 2024, Aberdeen-based Nutritional Therapist Beverley Sarstedt is the UK’s premier resource for a tried and tested protocol for effectively treating UTIs, based on comprehensive testing.
Dr Tom O’Bryan, an IHCAN fan-favourite, will be returning to the stage with his talk ‘Demystifying Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) – Targeting microbial LPS to quench the fire within’ which will explain how LPS is making waves as a catalyst for a myriad of systemic health concerns ranging from gut and joint health, to autoimmunity, brain fog, Alzheimer’s Disease, fatigue and sepsis.
9.30 – 10.00: Registration – including free herbal teas, coffee and an ‘energiser’ breakfast
10.00 – 11.30: Tom O’Bryan, DC, DACBN, CIFM –
‘Demystifying LPS – Targeting microbial lipopolysaccharides to quench the fire within’
11.30 – 12.00: Refreshment break – free herbal teas, coffee and gluten-free snacks
12.00 – 13.00: Beverley Sarstedt BA Hons, ND Dip CNM, MNNA, CNHC, AFMCP –
‘Chronic UTI, a functional medicine approach’
13.00 – 13.45: Lunch – free three course gluten-free buffet lunch
13.45 – 15.15: Dr Malcolm Kendrick –
‘How blood clots cause heart disease – the 170 year old ‘brand new’ hypothesis’
15.15 – 15.45: Refreshment break – free herbal teas, coffee and gluten-free snacks
15.45 – 17.15: Dr Leo Pruimboom –
‘Everything is everywhere at the same time’

‘Everything is everywhere at the same time’
Dr Leo Pruimboom
Dr Leo Pruimboom sets out to explain:
* Why overweight is normally not caused by diet.
* Why chronic pain is not caused by damage.
* Why chronic fatigue is about to become the worst syndrome in human history. From mechanisms to solutions.
Communication between people is normally achieved through external sensors such as vision, hearing, touch and smell.
These sensors function through neurological pathways and transmitters, affecting the whole body through further neurological connections and endocrine pathways. These routes are commonly seen as the only way with which communication between organisms and inside organisms takes place. The truth is that there are far more communication mechanisms.
Evolutionary biology has shed light on multiple other, much older, pathways that can even dominate the evolutionary younger ones. Communication takes place through the production of tissue, organ and even system-based packages, electric signals and other substances, telling parts of or even the whole body that things are right or wrong.
The remote communication between organs favours physiological functioning and is essential when a part of the body is injured and repair has to take place. Obesity, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and depression are often intertwined entities without proper explanation for their association.
Obesity is mostly NOT caused by food intake – as shown in multiple studies where diet fails to produced long-term weight loss. The same holds for depression, pain and fatigue; although the number of therapies flourish, the success rate does not change.
Chronic pain, fatigue and depression are syndromes causing the biggest loss of life quality of all diseases, including different types of cancer. It is time to show that all three entities, together with obesity, are due to mechanisms that are made for repair of certain organs and that repair fails, causing perpetual activity of mechanisms that in the long run produce disease.
So it is not the fatigue, pain or depression that should be treated; they are just the only ways to inform the host that something is wrong and therefore has to change. That is what this presentation is about.
We will show data from our own research – and of others – that show that obesity and the triple syndrome are caused by long-term damage to vital organs and the failure of remote repair mechanisms because of risk factors unknown to ancient humans.
The search for solutions should therefore focus on the way our ancestors repaired their damage and transfer those “interventions” to modern life.
I will show that vitamin A deficiency alone can already explain why modern humans tend to suffer from modern diseases and syndromes. Other factors that influence, even dramatically, those repair mechanisms, are loneliness, individualism and the constant hedonic search for happiness. Medicine is so much fragmented that patients lose themselves in being treated as if two symptoms are not related to each other. The reality is that everything is everywhere at the same time.
About Dr Leo Pruimboom
Dr. Leo Pruimboom is a pioneer in clinical psychoneuroimmunology, a translational medical discipline that studies the interaction between the neurological, endocrine, immune and metabolic systems, and their role in our health and wellbeing.
A biochemist by training, he has dedicated his career to developing medical protocols that not only treat the symptoms of diseases, but also address their underlying physiological, social and ecological causes. He trains medical and paramedical professionals in this integrative approach at the Pruimboom Institute, which he heads up as Founder and CEO.
Recognising a need to bring these concepts to the general population, Dr. Pruimboom created Intermittent Living: a series of practical strategies that rebalance health and promote wellness. He has published several scientific papers on its benefits in both healthy individuals and those with various pathologies.
‘How blood clots cause heart disease – the 170 year old ‘brand new’ hypothesis’
In Vienna, in 1852, Karl von Rokitansky was examining plaques (thickenings and narrowings) in the arteries of those who had died, not from heart disease. He was convinced that plaques were the remnants of blood clots in various stages of repair. Some new, some older. Or, to put it another way, plaques are blood clots, and repeated blood clot, at the same point become plaques. A document written on behalf of Pfizer in 1992, before they had a statin, states that. “Several features of mature plaques, such as their multi-layered pattern, suggest that platelet aggregation (platelets are the conductors of the clotting orchestra) and thrombus formation (thrombus = blood clot) are key elements in the progression of atherosclerosis”. In this talk, Dr Kendrick will outline the “thrombogenic hypothesis”. He will explain how blood clots, and blood clotting, create plaques, and how this fits together with those factors known to increase the risk of CV disease. For example, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure – and infectious disease like COVID-19.
About Dr Malcolm Kendrick
Malcolm graduated from Aberdeen University, and trained and worked as a General Practitioner. He now lives and works as a GP in Cheshire. He has a long-term fascination with the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. He has published widely on many topics, and wrote the best-selling The Great Cholesterol Con, Doctoring Data and his new release, The Clot Thickens.
He lectures widely on a range of medical topics, and is a member of The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics (THINCS) a group of scientists and researchers who share the belief that cholesterol levels have no effect on cardiovascular disease. His blog is drmalcolmkendrick.org.
‘Demystifying LPS – Targeting microbial lipopolysaccharides to quench the fire within’
We know that both 14 of the top 15 causes of death and all 9 of the well-established hallmarks of agingi are fueled by 1 common thread – chronic low-grade chronic inflammation.ii iii Thus, whether the focus is on life-sustaining, or life-enhancing protocols, addressing chronic lowgrade inflammation is primary.iv
And the production of this sustained low-grade chronic inflammation is the end-step in what has been termed, ‘The Perfect Storm’ in the development of chronic inflammatory diseases.vDysbiotic bacteria, and its ‘exhaust’ Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are microbial toxins primarily in the gut, and are identified as one of the 2 most powerful intestinal luminal triggers that activate gut inflammation and zonulin release (thus Intestinal Permeability), along with gluten.vi
LPS is making waves as a catalyst for a myriad of systemic health concerns ranging from gut and joint health, to autoimmunity, brain fog, Alzheimer’s Disease, fatigue, sepsis and death. Sepsis, the most common cause of hospital deaths in elders, is defined as organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to an infection and has a mortality rate of 46% – 64%%.vii LPS is the most common microbial mediator in sepsis and septic shock. A small amount of LPS may stimulate the immune system, inducing a very strong activation against infection, while crossing an individual’s immune threshold of exposure to LPS in the bloodstream may provoke harmful septic shock syndromes.viii With chronic intestinal permeability, up to 13% of intestinal tissue (lamina propria) is saturated with LPS which continually disperses into systemic circulation (with or without a ‘leaky gut’).ix
But where does LPS come from? What’s driving its production and disbursement? How does its survival (via biofilm production) enhance its resistance to treatment?x How does the body respond to systemic LPS infiltration? For example, the majority of LPS (60%) circulates bound to high density lipoprotein (HDL).xi LPS can be modulated, or better yet, controlled. Simple, speedy, extremely sensitive, and specific tests for endotoxin determination are established and commercially available. This presentation will address the production, infiltration, protective mechanisms and systemic circulation of LPS and therapeutic protocols to arrest and reverse its damaging effects.
You’ll glean insights into:
• Environments where LPS flourishes
• Health concerns in which LPS plays a role
• What happens when LPS accumulates over a lifetime
• The relationship between microbiome health and LPS
• Protocols for quenching the systemic fire initiated by LPS
i https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23746838/ ii https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/index.htm. iii https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34888528/ iv https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37329949/ vhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32051759/ vi https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32051759/ vii https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29652944/ viii https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36611371/ ix https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20357762/
x https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23284671/ xi https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22821406/
About Tom O'Bryan, DC, DACBN, CIFM
Dr. Tom is the founder of theDr and the visionary behind ‘The Gluten Summit – A Grain of Truth’, one of the first online summits, that brought together 29 of the world’s experts on the Gluten connection to diseases, disorders, and a wide-range of symptoms and ages.
Creator of the groundbreaking documentary series “Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You”, Dr. Tom led a global investigation with the world’s leaders in health, into why our immune system, designed to protect us, begins attacking our own tissue (autoimmunity). Currently, over 500,000 people worldwide have watched the Docuseries Betrayal.
His 2016 critically acclaimed ground-breaking book, ‘The Autoimmune Fix’ outlines the step-by-step development of degenerative diseases and gives us the tools to identify a dis-ease process years before the symptoms are obvious. Winner of the National Book Award and ranked #1 in several categories on Amazon, ‘The Autoimmune Fix’ offers a cutting-edge protocol on how to turn one’s life and health around, one “base hit” at a time.
And his newest book, “You Can Fix Your Brain: Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You’ve Ever Had” is the handbook for anyone worried about any type of brain ailment. From chronic conditions like dementia or brain disorders like MS, to simple brain fog and fatigue, this essential guide covers the full spectrum of prevention to treatment.
Dr. O’Bryan is considered the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and metabolic disorders. He is a clinician par excellence in treating chronic disease and metabolic disorders from a Functional Medicine Perspective.
He holds teaching Faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual autoimmune diseases.
‘Chronic UTI, a functional medicine approach’
UTIs are not just an occasional concern, but often become debilitating, chronic conditions that along with Interstitial Cystitis (Bladder Pain Syndrome) can even drive some women to thoughts of suicide. Conventional treatment is antibiotic-based and often leads to recurring episodes, ignoring as it does the many different factors that should be addressed. Even well-trained practitioners can struggle to get clients clear of the scourge of urinary tract infections.
Aberdeen-based Nutritional Therapist Beverley Sarstedt is the UK’s premier resource for a tried and tested protocol for effectively treating UTIs, based on comprehensive testing. It is still largely unknown in the UK.
Beverley’s is the first Functional Medicine clinic in the UK to have trained with internationally renowned Ruth Kriz, a US-based Nurse Practitioner and chronic UTI/IC specialist whose research spans 40 years, following her own experience and complete recovery from IC.
Beverley will explain the comprehensive approach the clinic uses to support clients with recurrent UTIs/IC and the gut, vaginal, nervous system, hormonal and autoimmune health challenges that often go with them.
Read April’s IHCAN for a scene-setting interview.
About Beverley Sarstedt BA Hons, ND Dip CNM, MNNA, CNHC, AFMCP
Aberdeen-based Nutritional Therapist Beverley Sarstedt is the UK’s premier resource for a tried and tested protocol for effectively treating UTIs, based on comprehensive testing. It is still largely unknown in the UK.
Beverley’s is the first Functional Medicine clinic in the UK to have trained with internationally renowned Ruth Kriz, a US-based Nurse Practitioner and chronic UTI/IC specialist whose research spans 40 years, following her own experience and complete recovery from IC.
Demand for “stands” is high and we’re adding new companies as fast as we can organise, so keep checking back, but some of the suppliers confirmed so far include:
- Lamberts Healthcare – Gold Sponsor
- BodyBio – Silver Sponsor
- Cytoplan – Silver Sponsor
- Omega Diagnostics – Silver Sponsor
- BioMedica- Bronze Sponsor
- Boley Nutraceuticals – Bronze Sponsor
- Functional Nutrition – Bronze Sponsor
- Genova Diagnostics – Bronze Sponsor
- Gensmart – Bronze Sponsor
- Good Health Forever – Bronze Sponsor
- HealthAid – Bronze Sponsor
- Ideal Living – Bronze Sponsor
- Inuvi – Bronze Sponsor
- KIB Healthcare – Bronze Sponsor
- Natures Plus UK – Bronze Sponsor
- New Leaf S.L – Bronze Sponsor
- Nutri Advanced – Bronze Sponsor
- Pharma Nord – Bronze Sponsor
- Seren Wren – Bronze Sponsor
- The Good Guru – Bronze Sponsor
- Vibrant Wellness – Bronze Sponsor
- ZENB – Bronze Sponsor
- Delia Rosenboom Bioresonance – Exhibitor
- Feel Supreme – Exhibitor
- Get Fitt Ltd – Exhibitor
- Green People – Exhibitor
- Humanpeople – Exhibitor
- Linwoods – Exhibitor
- Mycology Research Laboratories – Exhibitor
- Myota – Exhibitor
- Naked Biotics – Naked Health Group – Exhibitor
- NDS Nutrition – Exhibitor
- Otzibrew – Exhibitor
- Scenarworld – Exhibitor
- Tee Consulting – Exhibitor
- The Natural Dispensary – Exhibitor
- The Really Healthy Company – Exhibitor
- UAB Soulel Health – Exhibitor